18th High Average Power Laser Program Workshop

8-9 April 2008
Hosted by Los Alamos National Laboratory
Santa Fe, NM, U.S.A.

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Poster Presenter Affiliation
(lead author)
Poster Title
Mariana Bobecia University of Rochester Progress in Measuring the Thermal Response of a Solid Deuterium Heated by Gas in a Fusion Reactor (ppt)
John Giuliani NRL KrF Laser Development (pdf)
Tim Knowles ESLI Conical-Fiber Velvet Chamber Liner (pdf)
John Caird LLNL DPSSL Development
Alex Tucker-Schwartz and Robin L. Garrell UCLA Droplet Microfluidics and Dielectrophoretic Levitation: A New Approach to ICF Target Fabrication (pdf)
Tom Kozub, Charles Gentile, Irving Zatz PPPL GIMM Supports and Structures (ppt)


Meeting hosted by LANL.

web support provided by J. Pulsifer (JP Consulting)