8th High Average Power Laser Program Workshop

5-6 February 2004
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA, U.S.A.

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Poster PresenterAffiliation
(lead author)
Poster Title
Charlie Gentile PPPL Hibachi Window Development(ppt)
Ryan Abbott LLNL Mitigation issues in final optics(ppt)
Scott O'Dell PPI Plasma Sprayed Tungsten Armor
Leonard Bond PNL Target characterization using high-pressure gas coupled and cryogenic acoustic measurements(ppt)
S. Shin, V. Novak, D. Sadowski, K. Schoonover, and S. Abdel-Khalik Georgia Tech Mist Cooling of the Hibachi Window(ppt)
J. Giuliani NRL Designing current and future KrF lasers(ppt)
A.E. Robson NRL Magnetic protection of the first wall(doc)
Ed Hsieh, Brian Motta, Tom Walsh, Kelly Youngblood and Mark Tillack Schafer Corp Surface characteristics of 3 to 12 micron Al coatings on SiC substrates(ppt)
J. Latkowski LLNL Recent Results with XAPPER-- poster #1(pdf)
J. Latkowski LLNL More Recent Results with XAPPER-- poster #2


Meeting hosted Georgia Institute of Technology.

web support provided by J. Pulsifer (JP Consulting)