19th High Average Power Laser Program Workshop

22-23 October 2008
Hosted by University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI, U.S.A.

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Poster Presenter Affiliation
(lead author)
Poster Title
Thomas Kozub, Irving Zatz, Charles Gentile PPPL IFE Plant Structural Concepts Including Shielding and Optical Stability Requirements (ppt)
Scott Wagner and Craig Priniski University of Michigan & PPPL Analysis of a Helium Brayton Power Cycle for a Direct-Drive IFE Power Reactor (ppt)
S.E. Haynes NRL Foil Reflectivity for use in a KrF Laser (ppt)
T. R. Knowles Energy Science Laboratories Inc (ESLI) Cone-Wall Chamber Liner (pdf)
Donghua Xu UC Berkeley Experiments and Rate Theory Modeling of Thermal Desorption of He-implanted Iron (pdf)
Lance Snead & Mohamed Sawan ORNL & Wisconsin Mobile Tiles for Inertial Fusion First Wall/Blanket Systems (ppt) (pdf)
Mohamed Sawan Wisconsin Nuclear Assessment of Shielding Configuration Options for Final Optics of HAPL (pdf)
Aaron Aoyama UCLA Thermo-mechanical Analysis of the Hibachi Foil for the Electra Laser System (pdf)
Akiyuki Takahashi UCLA A KMC Simulation of Grain Size Effects on Bubble Growth and Gas Release of Implanted Tungsten. (pdf)
I. Zatz, H. Zhang, C. Priniski, T. Dodson PPPL Magnet Options for Magnetic Intervention (ppt)
Elliot Clark SRNL EFfect of tritium gas exposure on the dynamic mechanical properties of polymers (pdf)
Michael Morgan, et al. SRNL Hydrogen effects on strain-induced martensite formation in type 304L stainless steel (pdf)
UCLA UCLA TOFE 2008 posters (zip)


Meeting hosted by University of Wisconsin.

web support provided by John Pulsifer