17th High Average Power Laser Program Workshop

30-31 October 2007
Naval Research Laboratory
Washington, DC, U.S.A.

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Poster Presenter Affiliation
(lead author)
Poster Title
M. Wolford, M.C. Myers, J.D. Sethian, F. Hegeler, P. Burns, R. Jaynes, and J.L. Giuliani NRL Optical System staging of the Electra KrF Laser Facility (ppt)
R. Lehmberg NRL Pulse shaping and energy storage capabilities in angularly-multiplexed KrF laser amplifiers (ppt)
M. Myers and M. Friedman NRL Cathode development for KrF lasers (ppt)
K. Tresemer, C. Gentile, et al. PPPL Target chamber mechanical pumping system/configuration and performance (ppt)
F. Dahlgren, T. Dodson, et al. PPPL Magnetic intervention concept (ppt)
J. Karnes Schafer Corp. Progress toward Air-Dried RF Shells (ppt)


Meeting hosted by NRL.

web support provided by J. Pulsifer (JP Consulting)