16th High Average Power Laser Program Workshop

12-13 December 2006
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Princeton, NJ, U.S.A.

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Poster Presenter Affiliation
(lead author)
Poster Title
Steve Terrell and Reggie Jaynes NRL A 3 x 3 cm aperture discharge pumped KrF laser
Fred Dahlgren, Tom Kozub, Tiana Dodson PPPL Magnetic Intervention (ppt)
Mariana Bobecia and David Harding UR/LLE Operating parameters for measuring the roughness and extent of melting of a deuterium ice layer using confocal microscopy and the 3- thermal conductivity method
Wayne Meier LLNL How does laser cost scaling effect the power plant design optimization? (ppt)
Michael Andersen UCLA Progress of Surface Roughness Modeling for Tungsten and SiC
Akiyuki Takahashi UCLA MC Simulation of Tungsten Surface Pores by Low-E Helium Implantation
Jaafar El-Awady UCLA Failure Strength Measurements of VPS-Tungsten Coatings for HAPL FW Armor
Kathleen Schaffers LLNL Advanced Materials for Inertial Fusion Energy
Ben Russ and Dan Goodin GA Sulfur-Iodine Process Integrated Lab Demonstration (ppt)
Rene Raffray UCSD Ion dump and chamber/blanket issues for magnetic intervention case
Greg Sviatoslavsky Wisconsin A FLIBE Blanket Design for Magnetic Intervention (ppt)
Mohamed Sawan Wisconsin Nuclear Assessment of a FLIBE/SiC Blanket with Magnetic Intervention (pdf)
Kurt Boehm UCSD Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of Different Fluidization Parameters for Successful Target Layering (ppt)


Meeting hosted by PPPL.

web support provided by J. Pulsifer (JP Consulting)