
Type One Energy Announces Plans for Stellarator in Oak Ridge, TN

February 28, 2024

Type One Energy - currently based in Madison, Wisconsin - will establish its headquarters in East Tennessee as part of its "Project Infinity" project to build a fusion power pilot plant based on the stellarator concept. The project is the result of a tri-party memorandum of understanding signed in 2023 between Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Type One Energy and the US Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL),

Type One Energy said the construction of Infinity One at the site of the Bull Run fossil fuel plant "aligns with Tennessee Governor Bill Lee's vision to position the state as a national leader in clean energy, and Project Infinity is the first recipient of funds from the Governor's Nuclear Energy Fund". The company will begin engaging and collaborating with local communities in East Tennessee during the upcoming months.

The company said construction of Infinity One could begin in 2025, following the completion of necessary environmental reviews, partnership agreements, required permits, and operating licenses,

Bull Run Fossil Plant is located on the north bank of Bull Run Creek, directly across the Clinch River from Oak Ridge. The 865 MW coal-fired power plant entered operation in 1967 and was retired on 1 December 2023. TVA says it is "currently evaluating the future use of the Bull Run site, including potential opportunities to maintain grid stability based on its strategic geographic location in the TVA service territory".

ORNL Director Stephen Streiffer added: "It's exciting to see a project in Oak Ridge with such great potential to advance fusion energy. The laboratory has been a pioneer in fusion science and technology dating back to the early 1950s. We look forward to applying our institutional expertise and capabilities in working with Type One Energy on the engineering challenges they will be tackling at this new test facility."

"Our administration created the Nuclear Energy Fund in partnership with the Tennessee General Assembly to recruit companies like Type One Energy," said Tennessee Governor Bill Lee. "Tennessee is ready to secure its place as the top state for energy independence, and we are proud to partner with Type One Energy to further that mission and bring hundreds of high-quality jobs and more reliable energy to Tennesseans."

For more information visit the Type One web site at https://typeoneenergy.com