Web Conference for HAPL First Wall Battle Plan
July 11, 2003
1:00 Eastern Time

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Raffray and Meier - Rules of Engagement for Systems Modeling

Raffray - Armor Design and Status of UCSD chamber dynamics code

Meier - Progress in Systems Modeling

Moses - Operating Windows

Blanchard - Roughening
Blanchard - Template for Surface Exposure Documentation
Blanchard - Latest Scoping Results

Snead - Materials Distribution, Armor Thickness, Helium in Solids, Bonding

Latkowski - XAPPER results - pdf version

Olson/Renk - RHEPP results

Ghoniem/Sharafat - Foams and DBTT

Ghoniem - Where to Publish

Kulcinski - Where to Publish

Paper Outline

Sethian - Action Items and Next Meeting

Contact Jake Blanchard if you have questions